
Home » Activities & Experiences » Snowshoeing


You can easily enjoy the tranquility of the winter nature by snowshoeing. The beautiful rural landscape surrounding Iloranta and its nature trails provide magnificent settings for snowshoeing excursions. The magic of winter unfolds in the glistening snowfields and snowy forests.

A group of people cross country skiing in the woods

You can easily enjoy the tranquility of the winter nature by snowshoeing. The beautiful rural landscape surrounding Iloranta and its nature trails provide magnificent settings for snowshoeing excursions. The magic of winter unfolds in the glistening snowfields and snowy forests.

An especially remarkable experience is walking on snowshoes along the old forest trails surrounding Iloranta. Take breaks to quiet your steps and listen to the perfect silence of nature. Your senses sharpen, and your mind captures details that often go unnoticed in everyday surroundings. This is true tranquility and freedom in nature!

At Iloranta, you can embark on a snowshoeing excursion either guided or on your own. Guided tours lead you to particularly beautiful natural destinations while providing insights into the art of snowshoeing. For self-guided snowshoeing, you can set off at any time – there are plenty of route options along nearby trails and in the forests.